Not Writing a Book in My Head – Prompt 26

This morning my cat, Elvis, reminded me of a ship’s masthead sitting on the sea of my unmade bed. My bedroom is teeming with books and often a cat or two takes over my space. What does your bedroom hold?  Speak in metaphors. Tell me what moves you to poetry here.

Not Writing a Book in My Head - Prompt 26

Writable About. Sleeping with books and cats.



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About Taylor Collins

Taylor writes in fragments - journals incessantly – the sea a recurring theme. She blogs and works on three writing projects at the moment. She was selected to read a twitter poem, written during National Poetry month, for the “Tell Me More” NPR program in 2011. A day diary was selected for publication in Water Cooler Diaries published in 2008 (De Capo Press). She recently completed a small chapbook, a 12-part poem entitled Flame. Taylor receives “real” rejection letters now – a sure sign her work is being read. She paints and writes in her studio/gallery -- Parke Green Galleries located on the site where the US Constitution was first ratified. She spends time thinking when deep thoughts surface. Taylor leads a rather dry life on the ocean she's tossed about on. Be sure to visit her if you're ever in the state that started our nation. Cheers!

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